# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# pragma pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
"""Module for (non)bonding interaction analysis of Quantum Chemistry Output Files."""
import numpy as np
from chemtools.wrappers.molecule import Molecule
from chemtools.denstools.densbased import DensGradTool
from chemtools.utils.utils import doc_inherit
from chemtools.utils.cube import UniformGrid
from chemtools.outputs.plot import plot_scatter
from chemtools.outputs.vmd import print_vmd_script_nci, print_vmd_script_isosurface
from numpy.ma import masked_less
class BaseInteraction(object):
"""Base class for (non)bonding interactions indicators."""
def from_file(cls, fname, spin='ab', index=None, grid=None):
"""Initialize class using wave-function file.
fname : str
A string representing the path to a molecule's fname.
spin : str, optional
The type of occupied spin orbitals; options are 'a', 'b' & 'ab'.
index : int or Sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the index of spin orbitals.
If None, all occupied spin orbitals are included.
grid : instance of `Grid`, optional
Grid used for calculating and visualizing the property values.
If None, a cubic grid is constructed from molecule with spacing=0.1 & extension=2.0.
molecule = Molecule.from_file(fname)
return cls.from_molecule(molecule, spin=spin, index=index, grid=grid)
def from_molecule(cls, molecule, spin='ab', index=None, grid=None):
"""Initialize class from ``Molecule`` object.
molecule : instance of `Molecule` class.
Instance of `Molecular` class.
spin : str, optional
The type of occupied spin orbitals; options are 'a', 'b' & 'ab'.
index : int or Sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the index of spin orbitals.
If None, all occupied spin orbitals are included.
grid : instance of `Grid`, optional
Grid used for calculating and visualizing the property values.
If None, a cubic grid is constructed from molecule with spacing=0.1 & extension=2.0.
def _check_grid(molecule, grid):
if grid is None:
grid = UniformGrid.from_molecule(molecule, spacing=0.1, extension=2.0)
elif not hasattr(grid, 'points'):
raise ValueError('Argument grid should have "points" attribute!')
return grid
def _transform(ratio, trans, trans_k, trans_a):
if trans == 'rational':
return 1.0 / (1.0 + trans_a * ratio ** trans_k)
elif trans == 'hyperbolic':
return 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh(trans_a * (ratio ** -trans_k - ratio ** trans_k)))
elif trans == 'inverse_rational':
return 1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 + trans_a * ratio ** trans_k)
elif trans == 'inverse_hyperbolic':
return 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh(-trans_a * (ratio ** -trans_k - ratio ** trans_k)))
raise ValueError('Argument trans={0} not recognized!'.format(trans))
[docs]class NCI(BaseInteraction):
"""Non-Covalent Interactions (NCI) Class."""
def __init__(self, density, rdgradient, grid, hessian=None):
"""Initialize class using density, reduced density gradient and `UniformGrid` instance.
density : np.array
Density evaluated on grid points of `cube`.
rdgradient : np.array
Reduced density gradient evaluated on grid points of `cube`
grid : instance of `UniformGrid`, optional
Cubic grid used for calculating and visualizing the NCI.
If None, it is constructed from molecule with spacing=0.1 and extension=2.0.
hessian : np.array, optional
Hessian of density evaluated on grid points of `cube`. This is a array with shape
(n, 6) where n is the number of grid points of `cube`.
if density.shape != (len(grid.points),):
raise ValueError('Shape of density argument {0} does not match '
'expected ({1},) shape.'.format(density.shape, len(grid.points)))
if rdgradient.shape != (len(grid.points),):
raise ValueError('Shape of rdgradient argument {0} does not '
'match expected ({1},) shape.'.format(density.shape, len(grid.points)))
if hessian is not None:
if hessian.shape != (len(grid.points), 3, 3):
raise ValueError("Shape of hessian argument {0} does not match expected "
"({1}, 3, 3) shape!".format(hessian.shape, len(grid.points)))
# compute hessian eigenvalues on cubic grid
eigvalues = np.linalg.eigvalsh(hessian, UPLO='U')
# use sign of second eigenvalue to distinguish interaction types
sdens = np.sign(eigvalues[:, 1]) * density
self._signed_density = sdens
self._eigvalues = eigvalues
self._signed_density = None
self._eigvalues = None
self._density = density
self._rdgrad = rdgradient
self._grid = grid
[docs] @classmethod
@doc_inherit(BaseInteraction, 'from_molecule')
def from_molecule(cls, molecule, spin='ab', index=None, grid=None):
# generate or check cubic grid
grid = BaseInteraction._check_grid(molecule, grid)
# compute density, gradient & hessian on cubic grid
dens = molecule.compute_density(grid.points, spin=spin, index=index)
grad = molecule.compute_gradient(grid.points, spin=spin, index=index)
hess = molecule.compute_hessian(grid.points, spin=spin, index=index)
# compute reduced gradient
rdgrad = DensGradTool(dens, grad).reduced_density_gradient
return cls(dens, rdgrad, grid, hessian=hess)
def signed_density(self):
r"""Signed electron density.
Electron density :math:`\rho\left(\mathbf{r}\right)` evaluated on a grid,
signed by the second eigenvalue of the Hessian at that point, i.e.
:math:`\text{sgn}\left(\lambda_2\right) \times \rho\left(\mathbf{r}\right)`.
return self._signed_density
def eigvalues(self):
r"""Eigenvalues of Hessian."""
return self._eigvalues
[docs] def generate_plot(self, fname, color='b', denslim=(-0.2, 0.2), rdglim=(0., 2.)):
r"""Plot reduced density gradient.
Reduced density gradient vs.
:math:`\text{sgn}\left(\lambda_2\right) \times \rho\left(\mathbf{r}\right)`.
fname : str
A string representing the path to a fname for storing the plot.
If the given fname does not have a proper extension, the 'png' format is used
by default, i.e. plot is saved as fname.png.
color : str, optional
Color of plot. To customize color, see http://matplotlib.org/users/colors.html
denslim: tuple, optional
The minimum and maximum of the (signed) density in the plot.
rdglim: tuple, optional
The minimum and maximum of the reduced density gradient in the plot.
# scatter plot
kwargs = {'color': color,
'xlim': denslim,
'ylim': rdglim,
'xlabel': r'sgn$\mathbf{(\lambda_2)}$ $\times$ $\mathbf{\rho(r)}$ (a.u)',
'ylabel': 'Reduced Density Gradient'}
plot_scatter(self._signed_density, self._rdgrad, fname, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate_scripts(self, fname, isosurf=0.50, denscut=0.05):
r"""Generate cube files and VMD script to visualize non-covalent interactions (NCI).
Generate density and reduced density gradient cube files, as well as a VMD (Visual
Molecular Dynamics) script to visualize non-covalent interactions (NCI).
fname : str
Name of generated cube files and vmd script.
isosurf : float, optional
Value of reduced density gradient (RDG) iso-surface used in VMD script.
denscut : float, optional
Density cutoff used in creating reduced density gradient cube file.
Similar to NCIPlot program, reduced density gradient of points with
density > denscut will be set to 100.0 to display reduced density gradient
iso-surface subject to the constraint of low density.
To visualize all reduced density gradient iso-surfaces, disregarding of the
corresponding density value, set this argument equal to infinity using `float('inf')`.
The generated cube files and script imitate the NCIPlot software version 1.0.
if not isinstance(self._grid, UniformGrid):
raise ValueError("Only possible if argument grid is a cubic grid.")
# similar to NCIPlot program, reduced density gradient of points with
# density > cutoff will be set to 100.0 before generating cube file to
# display reduced density gradient iso-surface subject to the constraint
# of low density, i.e. density < denscut.
cutrdg = np.array(self._rdgrad, copy=True)
cutrdg[abs(self._density) > denscut] = 100.0
# similar to NCIPlot program, sign(hessian second eigenvalue)*density is
# multiplied by 100.0 before generating cube file used for coloring the
# reduced density gradient iso-surface.
if self._signed_density is not None:
dens = 100.0 * self._signed_density
dens = 100.0 * self._density
# name of output files
densfile = fname + '-dens.cube' # density cube file
rdgfile = fname + '-grad.cube' # reduced density gradient cube file
vmdfile = fname + '.vmd' # vmd script file
# dump density & reduced density gradient cube files
self._grid.generate_cube(densfile, dens)
self._grid.generate_cube(rdgfile, cutrdg)
# write VMD scripts
print_vmd_script_nci(vmdfile, densfile, rdgfile, isosurf, denscut * 100.0)
[docs]class ELF(BaseInteraction):
r"""Electron Localization Function (ELF) introduced by Becke and Edgecombe.
The ELF ratio is defined as:
.. math::
\zeta_\text{ELF}(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{\tau_\text{PD}(\mathbf{r}) -
where :math:`\tau_\text{PD}(\mathbf{r})`, :math:`\tau_\text{W}(\mathbf{r})` and
:math:`\tau_\text{TF}(\mathbf{r})` are positive-definite (Lagrangian), Weizsacker and
Thomas-Fermi kinetic energy densities defined in :class:`chemtools.toolbox.kinetic.KED`.
The ELF is computed by transforming the ratio:
.. math:: \text{ELF}(\mathbf{r}) = f\left(\zeta_\text{ELF}(\mathbf{r})\right)
where the transformation :math:`f` can be:
.. math::
\text{rational : } \, f(\zeta, k, a) &= \frac{1}{1 + a \, \zeta^k} \\
\text{hyperbolic: } \, f(\zeta, k, a) &= \tfrac{1}{2}
\left(1 + \tanh\left(a \left(\zeta^{-k} - \zeta^{k}\right)\right)\right)
Traditionally, the **'rational'** transformation with :math:`k=2` and :math:`a=1` is used.
def __init__(self, dens, grad, ked, grid=None, trans='rational', trans_k=2, trans_a=1,
r"""Initialize class from arrays.
dens : np.ndarray
Electron density of grid points, :math:`\rho(\mathbf{r})`.
grad : np.ndarray
Gradient of electron density of grid points, :math:`\nabla \rho(\mathbf{r})`.
ked : np.ndarray
Positive-definite or Lagrangian kinetic energy density of grid
points; :math:`\tau_\text{PD} (\mathbf{r})` or :math:`G(\mathbf{r})`.
grid : instance of `Grid`, optional
Grid used for computation of ELF. Only if this a CubeGrid one can generate the scripts.
trans : str, optional
Type of transformation applied to ELF ratio; options are 'rational' or 'hyperbolic'.
trans_k : float, optional
Parameter :math:`k` of transformation.
trans_a : float, optional
Parameter :math:`a` of transformation.
denscut : float, optional
Value of density cut. ELF value of points with density < denscut is set to zero.
if dens.shape != ked.shape:
raise ValueError('Arguments dens and ked should have the same shape!')
if grad.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('Argument grad should be a 2d-array!')
if grad.shape[0] != dens.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Argument dens & grad should have the same length!')
if trans.lower() not in ['rational', 'hyperbolic']:
raise ValueError('Argument trans should be either "rational" or "hyperbolic".')
if not trans_k > 0:
raise ValueError('Argument trans_k should be positive! trans_k={0}'.format(trans_k))
if not trans_a > 0:
raise ValueError('Argument trans_a should be positive! trans_a={0}'.format(trans_a))
self._grid = grid
self._denstool = DensGradTool(dens, grad)
# compute elf ratio
self._ratio = ked - self._denstool.ked_weizsacker
self._ratio /= masked_less(self._denstool.ked_thomas_fermi, 1.0e-30)
# compute elf value & set low density points to zero
self._value = self._transform(self._ratio, trans.lower(), trans_k, trans_a)
self._value[self._denstool.density < denscut] = 0.
[docs] @classmethod
def from_molecule(cls, molecule, spin='ab', index=None, grid=None, trans='rational',
trans_k=2, trans_a=1, denscut=0.0005):
"""Initialize class from molecule.
molecule : instance of `Molecule` class.
Instance of `Molecular` class.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals; options are 'a', 'b' & 'ab'.
index : int or sequence of int, optional
Sequence of spin orbital indices to use. If None, all occupied spin orbitals are used.
grid : instance of `Grid`, optional
Grid used for computation of ELF. Only if this a CubeGrid one can generate the scripts.
If None, a cubic grid is constructed from molecule with spacing=0.1 & extension=2.0.
trans : str, optional
Type of transformation applied to ELF ratio; options are 'rational' or 'hyperbolic'.
trans_k : float, optional
Parameter :math:`k` of transformation.
trans_a : float, optional
Parameter :math:`a` of transformation.
denscut : float, optional
Value of density cut. ELF value of points with density < denscut is set to zero.
# generate cubic grid or check grid
grid = BaseInteraction._check_grid(molecule, grid)
# compute density, gradient & kinetic energy density on grid
dens = molecule.compute_density(grid.points, spin=spin, index=index)
grad = molecule.compute_gradient(grid.points, spin=spin, index=index)
kin = molecule.compute_ked(grid.points, spin=spin, index=index)
return cls(dens, grad, kin, grid, trans, trans_k, trans_a, denscut)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_file(cls, fname, spin='ab', index=None, grid=None, trans='rational',
trans_k=2, trans_a=1, denscut=0.0005):
"""Initialize class from wave-function file.
fname : str
Path to a molecule's file.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals; options are 'a', 'b' & 'ab'.
index : int or sequence of int, optional
Sequence of spin orbital indices to use. If None, all occupied spin orbitals are used.
grid : instance of `Grid`, optional
Grid used for computation of ELF. Only if this a CubeGrid one can generate the scripts.
If None, a cubic grid is constructed from molecule with spacing=0.1 & extension=2.0.
trans : str, optional
Type of transformation applied to ELF ratio; options are 'rational' or 'hyperbolic'.
trans_k : float, optional
Parameter :math:`k` of transformation.
trans_a : float, optional
Parameter :math:`a` of transformation.
denscut : float, optional
Value of density cut. ELF value of points with density < denscut is set to zero.
molecule = Molecule.from_file(fname)
return cls.from_molecule(molecule, spin, index, grid, trans, trans_k, trans_a, denscut)
def ratio(self):
r"""The ELF ratio evaluated on grid points."""
return self._ratio
def value(self):
r"""The :math:`\text{ELF}(\mathbf{r})` evaluated on grid points."""
return self._value
[docs] def generate_scripts(self, fname, isosurf=0.8):
"""Generate VMD scripts & cube file to visualize ELF iso-surface.
fname : str
File name used for the generated files.
The VMD script and cube file will be named fname.vmd and fname-elf.cube, respectively.
isosurf : float, optional
Value of ELF iso-surface used in VMD script.
if not isinstance(self._grid, UniformGrid):
raise ValueError('Only possible if argument grid is a cubic grid.')
if self._denstool.density.shape[0] != self._grid.points.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Number of grid points should match number of dens values!')
# dump ELF cube file & generate vmd script
vmdname = fname + '.vmd'
cubname = fname + '-elf.cube'
self._grid.generate_cube(cubname, self.value)
print_vmd_script_isosurface(vmdname, cubname, isosurf=isosurf, representation='Line')
[docs]class LOL(BaseInteraction):
r"""Localized Orbital Locator (LOL) introduced by Becke and Schmider.
The LOL ratio is defined as:
.. math::
\zeta_\text{LOL}(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{\tau_\text{TF}(\mathbf{r})}{\tau_\text{PD}(\mathbf{r})}
where :math:`\tau_\text{TF}(\mathbf{r})` and :math:`\tau_\text{PD}(\mathbf{r})` are
Thomas-Fermi and positive-definite (Lagrangian) kinetic energy densities defined in
The LOL is computed by transforming the ratio:
.. math:: \text{LOL}(\mathbf{r}) = f\left(\zeta_\text{LOL}(\mathbf{r})\right)
where the transformation :math:`f` can be:
.. math::
\text{inverse_rational : } \, f(\zeta, k, a) &= 1 - \frac{1}{1 + a \, \zeta^k} \\
\text{inverse_hyperbolic: } \, f(\zeta, k, a) &= \tfrac{1}{2}
\left(1 + \tanh\left(-a \left(\zeta^{-k} - \zeta^{k}\right)\right)\right)
Traditionally, the **'inverse_rational'** transformation with :math:`k=1` and :math:`a=1`
is used.
def __init__(self, dens, grad, ked, grid=None, trans='inverse_rational', trans_k=1, trans_a=1,
r"""Initialize class from arrays.
dens : np.ndarray
Electron density of grid points, :math:`\rho(\mathbf{r})`.
grad : np.ndarray
Gradient of electron density of grid points, :math:`\nabla \rho(\mathbf{r})`.
ked : np.ndarray
Positive-definite or Lagrangian kinetic energy density of grid
points; :math:`\tau_\text{PD} (\mathbf{r})` or :math:`G(\mathbf{r})`.
grid : instance of `Grid`, optional
Grid used for computation of LOL. Only if this a CubeGrid one can generate the scripts.
trans : str, optional
Type of transformation applied to LOL ratio; options are 'inverse_rational' or
trans_k : float, optional
Parameter :math:`k` of transformation.
trans_a : float, optional
Parameter :math:`a` of transformation.
denscut : float, optional
Value of density cut. LOL value of points with density < denscut is set to zero.
if dens.shape != ked.shape:
raise ValueError('Arguments dens and ked should have the same shape!')
if grad.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('Argument grad should be a 2d-array!')
if grad.shape[0] != dens.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Argument dens & grad should have the same length!')
if trans.lower() not in ['inverse_rational', 'inverse_hyperbolic']:
raise ValueError('Argument trans should be either "inverse_rational" or '
if not trans_k > 0:
raise ValueError('Argument trans_k should be positive! trans_k={0}'.format(trans_k))
if not trans_a > 0:
raise ValueError('Argument trans_a should be positive! trans_a={0}'.format(trans_a))
self._denstool = DensGradTool(dens, grad)
self._grid = grid
# compute elf ratio
self._ratio = self._denstool.ked_thomas_fermi / masked_less(ked, 1.0e-30)
# compute elf value & set low density points to zero
self._value = self._transform(self._ratio, trans.lower(), trans_k, trans_a)
self._value[self._denstool.density < denscut] = 0
[docs] @classmethod
def from_molecule(cls, molecule, spin='ab', index=None, grid=None, trans='inverse_rational',
trans_k=1, trans_a=1, denscut=0.0005):
"""Initialize class from molecule.
molecule : instance of `Molecule` class.
Instance of `Molecular` class.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals; options are 'a', 'b' & 'ab'.
index : int or sequence of int, optional
Sequence of spin orbital indices to use. If None, all occupied spin orbitals are used.
grid : instance of `Grid`, optional
Grid used for computation of LOL. Only if this a CubeGrid one can generate the scripts.
If None, a cubic grid is constructed from molecule with spacing=0.1 & extension=2.0.
trans : str, optional
Type of transformation applied to ELF ratio; options are 'inverse_rational' or
trans_k : float, optional
Parameter :math:`k` of transformation.
trans_a : float, optional
Parameter :math:`a` of transformation.
denscut : float, optional
Value of density cut. LOL value of points with density < denscut is set to zero.
# generate cubic grid or check grid
grid = BaseInteraction._check_grid(molecule, grid)
# compute density, gradient & kinetic energy density on grid
dens = molecule.compute_density(grid.points, spin=spin, index=index)
grad = molecule.compute_gradient(grid.points, spin=spin, index=index)
ked = molecule.compute_ked(grid.points, spin=spin, index=index)
return cls(dens, grad, ked, grid, trans, trans_k, trans_a, denscut)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_file(cls, fname, spin='ab', index=None, grid=None, trans='inverse_rational',
trans_k=1, trans_a=1, denscut=0.0005):
"""Initialize class from wave-function file.
fname : str
Path to a molecule's file.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals; options are 'a', 'b' & 'ab'.
index : int or sequence of int, optional
Sequence of spin orbital indices to use. If None, all occupied spin orbitals are used.
grid : instance of `Grid`, optional
Grid used for computation of LOL. Only if this a CubeGrid one can generate the scripts.
If None, a cubic grid is constructed from molecule with spacing=0.1 & extension=2.0.
trans : str, optional
Type of transformation applied to LOL ratio; options are 'inverse_rational' or
trans_k : float, optional
Parameter :math:`k` of transformation.
trans_a : float, optional
Parameter :math:`a` of transformation.
denscut : float, optional
Value of density cut. LOL value of points with density < denscut is set to zero.
molecule = Molecule.from_file(fname)
return cls.from_molecule(molecule, spin, index, grid, trans, trans_k, trans_a, denscut)
def ratio(self):
r"""The LOL ratio evaluated on the grid points."""
return self._ratio
def value(self):
r"""The :math:`\text{LOL}(\mathbf{r})` evaluated on grid points."""
return self._value
[docs] def generate_scripts(self, fname, isosurf=0.5):
"""Generate VMD scripts & cube file to visualize LOL iso-surface.
fname : str
A string representing the path to a fname of generated files.
The VMD script and cube file will be named fname.vmd and fname-lol.cube, respectively.
isosurf : float
Value of LOL iso-surface used in VMD script.
if not isinstance(self._grid, UniformGrid):
raise ValueError("Only possible if argument grid is a cubic grid.")
# dump LOL cube files
fname_vmd = fname + '.vmd'
fname_lol = fname + '-lol.cube'
self._grid.generate_cube(fname_lol, self.value)
# write VMD script for visualization
print_vmd_script_isosurface(fname_vmd, fname_lol, isosurf=isosurf, representation='Line')