Source code for chemtools.toolbox.kinetic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# pragma pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Kinetic Energy Density Module."""

import numpy as np

from chemtools.utils.utils import doc_inherit
from chemtools.wrappers.molecule import Molecule
from chemtools.denstools.densbased import DensGradTool, DensGradLapTool, DensGradLapKedTool

[docs]class KED(object): """Kinetic Energy Density Class.""" def __init__(self, dens, grad, lap=None, ked=None): r"""Initialize class. Parameters ---------- dens : np.ndarray Electron density evaluated on a set of points, :math:`\rho(\mathbf{r})`. grad : np.ndarray Gradient vector of electron density evaluated on a set of points, :math:`\nabla \rho(\mathbf{r})`. lap : np.ndarray, optional Laplacian of electron density evaluated on a set of points, :math:`\nabla^2 \rho(\mathbf{r})`. ked : np.ndarray, optional Positive-definite or Lagrangian kinetic energy density evaluated on a set of points; :math:`\tau_\text{PD} (\mathbf{r})` or :math:`G(\mathbf{r})`. """ # initialize dens-based tools class if lap is None and ked is None: self._denstools = DensGradTool(dens, grad) elif ked is None: self._denstools = DensGradLapTool(dens, grad, lap) elif lap is None: self._denstools = DensGradTool(dens, grad) self._ked_pd = ked else: self._denstools = DensGradLapKedTool(dens, grad, lap, ked)
[docs] @classmethod def from_molecule(cls, molecule, points, spin='ab', index=None): r"""Initialize class using instance of `Molecule` and points. Parameters ---------- molecule : Molecule An instance of `Molecule` class. points : np.ndarray The (npoints, 3) array of cartesian coordinates of points. spin : str, optional Type of occupied spin orbitals; options are 'a', 'b' & 'ab'. index : sequence, optional Sequence of integers representing the index of spin orbitals. """ if points.ndim != 2 or points.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("Argument points should be a 2D-array with 3 columns.") # compute density, gradient, & kinetic energy density on grid dens = molecule.compute_density(points, spin, index) grad = molecule.compute_gradient(points, spin, index) lap = molecule.compute_laplacian(points, spin, index) ked = molecule.compute_ked(points, spin, index) return cls(dens, grad, lap, ked)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, fname, points, spin='ab', index=None): r"""Initialize class from file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Path to molecule's files. points : np.ndarray The (npoints, 3) array of cartesian coordinates of points. spin : str, optional Type of occupied spin orbitals; options are 'a', 'b' & 'ab'. index : sequence, optional Sequence of integers representing the index of spin orbitals. """ molecule = Molecule.from_file(fname) return cls.from_molecule(molecule, points, spin, index)
@property @doc_inherit(DensGradTool, 'density') def density(self): return self._denstools.density @property @doc_inherit(DensGradTool, 'gradient') def gradient(self): return self._denstools.gradient @property @doc_inherit(DensGradLapTool, 'laplacian') def laplacian(self): if not hasattr(self._denstools, 'laplacian'): raise ValueError('Argument lap should be given when initializing the class.') return self._denstools.laplacian @property @doc_inherit(DensGradLapKedTool, 'ked_positive_definite') def ked_positive_definite(self): if hasattr(self._denstools, 'ked_positive_definite'): return self._denstools.ked_positive_definite elif hasattr(self, '_ked_pd'): return self._ked_pd else: raise ValueError('Argument ked should be given when initializing the class.') @property @doc_inherit(DensGradTool, 'ked_thomas_fermi') def ked_thomas_fermi(self): return self._denstools.ked_thomas_fermi @property @doc_inherit(DensGradTool, 'ked_weizsacker') def ked_weizsacker(self): return self._denstools.ked_weizsacker @property @doc_inherit(DensGradLapTool, 'ked_gradient_expansion') def ked_gradient_expansion(self): if not hasattr(self._denstools, 'ked_gradient_expansion'): raise ValueError('Argument lap should be given when initializing the class.') return self._denstools.ked_gradient_expansion @property @doc_inherit(DensGradLapTool, 'ked_gradient_expansion_empirical') def ked_gradient_expansion_empirical(self): if not hasattr(self._denstools, 'ked_gradient_expansion_empirical'): raise ValueError('Argument lap should be given when initializing the class.') return self._denstools.ked_gradient_expansion_empirical
[docs] @doc_inherit(DensGradLapTool, 'ked_gradient_expansion_general') def ked_gradient_expansion_general(self, alpha, beta): if not hasattr(self._denstools, 'ked_gradient_expansion_general'): raise ValueError('Argument lap should be given when initializing the class.') return self._denstools.ked_gradient_expansion_general(alpha, beta)
@property @doc_inherit(DensGradLapKedTool, 'ked_hamiltonian') def ked_hamiltonian(self): if not hasattr(self._denstools, 'ked_general'): raise ValueError('Argument lap & ked should be given when initializing the class.') return self._denstools.ked_hamiltonian
[docs] @doc_inherit(DensGradLapKedTool, 'ked_general') def ked_general(self, alpha): if not hasattr(self._denstools, 'ked_general'): raise ValueError('Argument lap & ked should be given when initializing the class.') return self._denstools.ked_general(alpha)