# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ChemTools is a collection of interpretive chemical tools for
# analyzing outputs of the quantum chemistry calculations.
# Copyright (C) 2016-2019 The ChemTools Development Team
# This file is part of ChemTools.
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# --
"""Wrapper Module."""
import logging
import numpy as np
from horton import IOData, DenseLinalgFactory
from importlib_resources import path
except ImportError:
from importlib.resources import path
__all__ = ["Molecule"]
[docs]class Molecule(object):
"""Molecule class from HORTON package."""
def __init__(self, iodata):
Initialize class.
iodata : horton.IOData
An instance of horton.IOData object.
self._iodata = iodata
if hasattr(self._iodata, "obasis"):
self._ao = AtomicOrbitals.from_molecule(self)
self._ao = None
self._coordinates = self._iodata.coordinates
self._numbers = self._iodata.numbers
if hasattr(self._iodata, "exp_alpha"):
self._mo = MolecularOrbitals.from_molecule(self)
self._mo = None
# FIXME: following code is pretty hacky. it will be used for the orbital partitioning code
# GOBasis object stores basis set to atom and angular momentum mapping
# by shell and not by contraction. So it needs to be converted
ind_shell_atom = np.array(iodata.obasis.shell_map)
ind_shell_orbtype = np.array(iodata.obasis.shell_types)
def num_contr(orbtype):
"""Return the number of contractions for the given orbital type.
orbtype : int
Horton's orbital type scheme.
Positive number corresponds to cartesian type and negative number corresponds to
spherical types.
num_contr : int
Number of contractions for the given orbital type.
if orbtype < 0:
return 1 + 2 * abs(orbtype)
return 1 + orbtype + sum(i * (i + 1) / 2 for i in range(1, orbtype + 1))
numcontr_per_shell = np.array([num_contr(i) for i in ind_shell_orbtype])
# Duplicate each shell information by the number of contractions in shell
self._ind_basis_center = np.repeat(ind_shell_atom, numcontr_per_shell)
self._ind_basis_orbtype = np.repeat(ind_shell_orbtype, numcontr_per_shell)
except AttributeError:
[docs] @classmethod
def from_file(cls, fname):
"""Initialize class given a file.
fname : str
Path to molecule"s files.
# load molecule
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
iodata = IOData.from_file(str(fname))
except IOError as _:
with path("chemtools.data.examples", str(fname)) as fname:
logging.info("Loading {0}".format(str(fname)))
iodata = IOData.from_file(str(fname))
except IOError as error:
return cls(iodata)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
"""Return attribute.
attr : str
The name of attribute to retrieve.
value = getattr(self._iodata, attr, None)
return value
def coordinates(self):
"""Cartesian coordinates of atomic centers."""
return self._coordinates
def numbers(self):
"""Atomic number of atomic centers."""
return self._numbers
def ao(self):
"""Atomic orbital instance."""
return self._ao
def mo(self):
"""Molecular orbital instance."""
return self._mo
[docs] def compute_density_matrix(self, spin="ab", index=None):
"""Compute the density matrix array for the specified spin orbitals.
spin : str, optional
The type of occupied spin orbitals. Options are "a" (for alpha), "b" (for beta), and
"ab" (for alpha + beta).
index : sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the occupied spin orbitals which are indexed
from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If ``None``, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.
return self.mo.compute_dm(spin, index=index)._array
[docs] def compute_molecular_orbital(self, points, spin="ab", index=None):
"""Return molecular orbitals.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals which can be either "a" (for alpha), "b" (for
beta), and "ab" (for alpha + beta).
index : sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the occupied spin orbitals which are indexed
from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If ``None``, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.
# assign orbital index (HORTON index the orbitals from 0)
if index is None:
# include all occupied orbitals of specified spin
spin_index = {"a": 0, "b": 1}
index = np.arange(self.mo.homo_index[spin_index[spin]])
# include specified set of orbitals
index = np.copy(np.asarray(index)) - 1
if index.ndim == 0:
index = np.array([index])
if np.any(index < 0):
raise ValueError("Argument index={0} cannot be less than one!".format(index + 1))
# get orbital expression of specified spin
if spin == 'b' and not hasattr(self._iodata, "exp_beta"):
exp = self._iodata.exp_alpha
exp = getattr(self._iodata, "exp_" + {'a': 'alpha', 'b': 'beta'}[spin])
return self._ao.compute_orbitals(exp, points, index)
[docs] def compute_density(self, points, spin="ab", index=None):
r"""Return electron density.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals which can be either "a" (for alpha), "b" (for
beta), and "ab" (for alpha + beta).
index : sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the occupied spin orbitals which are indexed
from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If ``None``, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.
# allocate output array
output = np.zeros((points.shape[0],), float)
# compute density
if index is None:
# get density matrix corresponding to the specified spin
dm = self.mo.compute_dm(spin)
# include all orbitals
output = self._ao.compute_density(dm, points)
# include subset of molecular orbitals
if spin == "ab":
# compute mo expression of alpha & beta orbitals
mo_a = self.compute_molecular_orbital(points, "a", index)
mo_b = self.compute_molecular_orbital(points, "b", index)
# add density of alpha & beta molecular orbitals
np.sum(mo_a**2, axis=1, out=output)
output += np.sum(mo_b**2, axis=1)
# compute mo expression of specified molecular orbitals
mo = self.compute_molecular_orbital(points, spin, index)
# add density of specified molecular orbitals
np.sum(mo**2, axis=1, out=output)
return output
[docs] def compute_gradient(self, points, spin="ab", index=None):
r"""Return gradient of the electron density.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals which can be either "a" (for alpha), "b" (for
beta), and "ab" (for alpha + beta).
index : sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the occupied spin orbitals which are indexed
from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If ``None``, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.
return self._ao.compute_gradient(self.mo.compute_dm(spin, index=index), points)
[docs] def compute_hessian(self, points, spin="ab", index=None):
r"""Return hessian of the electron density.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals which can be either "a" (for alpha), "b" (for
beta), and "ab" (for alpha + beta).
index : sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the occupied spin orbitals which are indexed
from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If ``None``, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.
return self._ao.compute_hessian(self.mo.compute_dm(spin, index=index), points)
[docs] def compute_laplacian(self, points, spin="ab", index=None):
r"""Return Laplacian of the electron density.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals which can be either "a" (for alpha), "b" (for
beta), and "ab" (for alpha + beta).
index : sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the occupied spin orbitals which are indexed
from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If ``None``, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.
hess = self.compute_hessian(points, spin, index)
return np.trace(hess, axis1=1, axis2=2)
[docs] def compute_esp(self, points, spin="ab", index=None, charges=None):
r"""Return molecular electrostatic potential.
The molecular electrostatic potential at point :math:`\mathbf{r}` is caused by the
electron density :math:`\rho` of the specified spin orbitals and set of point charges
:math:`\{q_A\}_{A=1}^{N_\text{atoms}}` placed at the position of the nuclei. i.e,
.. math::
V \left(\mathbf{r}\right) =
\sum_{A=1}^{N_\text{atoms}} \frac{q_A}{\rvert \mathbf{R}_A - \mathbf{r} \lvert} -
\int \frac{\rho \left(\mathbf{r}"\right)}{\rvert \mathbf{r}" - \mathbf{r} \lvert}
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals which can be either "a" (for alpha), "b" (for
beta), and "ab" (for alpha + beta).
index : sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the occupied spin orbitals which are indexed
from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If ``None``, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.
charges : np.ndarray, optional
Array with shape (n,) representing the point charges at the position of the nuclei.
When ``None``, the pseudo numbers are used.
# assign point charges
if charges is None:
charges = self.pseudo_numbers
elif not isinstance(charges, np.ndarray) or charges.shape != self.numbers.shape:
raise ValueError("Argument charges should be a 1d-array "
"with {0} shape.".format(self.numbers.shape))
dm = self.mo.compute_dm(spin, index=index)
return self._ao.compute_esp(dm, points, self.coordinates, charges)
[docs] def compute_ked(self, points, spin="ab", index=None):
r"""Return positive definite or Lagrangian kinetic energy density.
.. math::
\tau_\text{PD} \left(\mathbf{r}\right) =
\tfrac{1}{2} \sum_i^N n_i \rvert \nabla \phi_i \left(\mathbf{r}\right) \lvert^2
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals which can be either "a" (for alpha), "b" (for
beta), and "ab" (for alpha + beta).
index : sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the occupied spin orbitals which are indexed
from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If ``None``, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.
return self._ao.compute_ked(self.mo.compute_dm(spin, index=index), points)
def _check_argument(self, points):
"""Check given arguments.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
if not isinstance(points, np.ndarray) or points.ndim != 2 or points.shape[1] != 3:
raise ValueError("Argument points should be a 2D-array with 3 columns.")
if not np.issubdtype(points.dtype, np.float64):
raise ValueError("Argument points should be a 2D-array of floats!")
if self._ao is None:
raise AttributeError("Atomic Orbitals information is needed!")
if self._mo is None:
raise AttributeError("Molecular Orbitals information is needed!")
class MolecularOrbitals(object):
"""Molecular orbital class."""
def __init__(self, occs_a, occs_b, energy_a, energy_b, coeffs_a, coeffs_b):
self._occs_a, self._occs_b = occs_a, occs_b
self._energy_a, self._energy_b = energy_a, energy_b
self._coeffs_a, self._coeffs_b = coeffs_a, coeffs_b
def from_molecule(cls, mol):
"""Initialize class given an instance of `Molecule`.
mol : Molecule
An instance of `Molecule` class.
if hasattr(mol, "exp_beta") and mol.exp_beta is not None:
exp_a, exp_b = mol.exp_alpha, mol.exp_beta
exp_a, exp_b = mol.exp_alpha, mol.exp_alpha
occs_a, occs_b = exp_a.occupations, exp_b.occupations
energy_a, energy_b = exp_a.energies, exp_b.energies
coeffs_a, coeffs_b = exp_a.coeffs, exp_b.coeffs
return cls(occs_a, occs_b, energy_a, energy_b, coeffs_a, coeffs_b)
def from_file(cls, fname):
"""Initialize class given a file.
fname : str
Path to molecule"s files.
return cls.from_molecule(Molecule.from_file(fname))
def homo_index(self):
"""Index of alpha and beta HOMO orbital."""
# HORTON indexes the orbitals from 0, so 1 is added to get the intuitive index
index_a = np.argwhere(self._occs_a == 0.)[0, 0]
index_b = np.argwhere(self._occs_b == 0.)[0, 0]
return index_a, index_b
def lumo_index(self):
"""Index of alpha and beta LUMO orbital."""
# HORTON indexes the orbitals from 0, so 1 is added to get the intuitive index
return self.homo_index[0] + 1, self.homo_index[1] + 1
def homo_energy(self):
"""Energy of alpha and beta HOMO orbital."""
return self._energy_a[self.homo_index[0] - 1], self._energy_b[self.homo_index[1] - 1]
def lumo_energy(self):
"""Energy of alpha and beta LUMO orbital."""
return self._energy_a[self.lumo_index[0] - 1], self._energy_b[self.lumo_index[1] - 1]
def occupation(self):
"""Orbital occupation of alpha and beta electrons."""
return self._occs_a, self._occs_b
def energy(self):
"""Orbital energy of alpha and beta electrons."""
return self._energy_a, self._energy_b
def coefficient(self):
"""Orbital coefficient of alpha and beta electrons.
The alpha and beta orbital coefficients are each storied in a 2d-array in which
the columns represent the basis coefficients of each molecular orbital.
return self._coeffs_a, self._coeffs_b
def nelectrons(self):
"""Number of alpha and beta electrons."""
return np.sum(self._occs_a), np.sum(self._occs_b)
def compute_dm(self, spin="ab", index=None):
"""Return HORTON density matrix object corresponding to the specified spin orbitals.
spin : str, optional
Type of occupied spin orbitals which can be either "a" (for alpha), "b" (for
beta), and "ab" (for alpha + beta).
index : sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the occupied spin orbitals which are indexed
from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If ``None``, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.
# temporary class because of HORTON2
class DM(object):
def __init__(self, arr):
self._array = arr
if spin == "ab":
return DM(self.compute_dm("a", index)._array + self.compute_dm("b", index)._array)
elif spin == "a":
arr = np.dot(self._coeffs_a * self._occs_a, self._coeffs_a.T)
elif spin == "b":
arr = np.dot(self._coeffs_b * self._occs_b, self._coeffs_b.T)
raise ValueError("Argument spin={0} is not recognized!".format(spin))
if index is not None:
# convert to numpy array
index = np.asarray(index)
# check
if index.ndim == 0:
index = index.reshape(1)
if index.ndim >= 2:
raise ValueError("Indices should be given as a one-dimensional numpy array.")
index -= 1
if np.any(index < 0):
raise ValueError(
"Indices cannot be less than 1. Note that indices start from 1."
arr = arr[index[:, np.newaxis], index[np.newaxis, :]]
return DM(arr)
class AtomicOrbitals(object):
"""Gaussian Basis Set."""
def __init__(self, basis):
self._basis = basis
def from_molecule(cls, mol):
"""Initialize class given an instance of `Molecule`.
mol : Molecule
An instance of `Molecule` class.
basis = mol._iodata.obasis
return cls(basis)
def from_file(cls, fname):
"""Initialize class given a file.
fname : str
Path to molecule"s files.
return cls.from_molecule(Molecule.from_file(fname))
def nbasis(self):
"""int : number of basis functions."""
return self._basis.nbasis
def compute_overlap(self):
"""Return the overlap matrix of molecular orbitals."""
# make linear algebra factory
lf = DenseLinalgFactory(self.nbasis)
# compute overlap matrix
arr = self._basis.compute_overlap(lf)._array
return arr
def compute_orbitals(self, dm, points, index):
dm : ndarray
First order reduced density matrix of B basis sets given as a 2D array of (B, B) shape.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
index : sequence of int, optional
Sequence of integers representing the occupied spin orbitals which are indexed
from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If ``None``, all orbitals of the given spin(s) are included.
return self._basis.compute_grid_orbitals_exp(dm, points, index)
def compute_density(self, dm, points):
"""Return electron density evaluated on the a set of points.
dm : ndarray
First order reduced density matrix of B basis sets given as a 2D array of (B, B) shape.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
return self._basis.compute_grid_density_dm(dm, points)
def compute_gradient(self, dm, points):
"""Return gradient of the electron density evaluated on the a set of points.
dm : ndarray
First order reduced density matrix of B basis sets given as a 2D array of (B, B) shape.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
return self._basis.compute_grid_gradient_dm(dm, points)
def compute_hessian(self, dm, points):
"""Return hessian of the electron density evaluated on the a set of points.
dm : ndarray
First order reduced density matrix of B basis sets given as a 2D array of (B, B) shape.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
# compute upper triangular elements
output = self._basis.compute_grid_hessian_dm(dm, points)
# convert the (n, 6) shape to (n, 3, 3)
hess = np.zeros((len(points), 9))
# NOTE: hard coded in the indices of the upper triangular matrix in the flattened form
# in C ordering. Maybe there is a numpy function that does this. This might fail if the
# hessian is not in c-ordering
hess[:, [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8]] = output
hess = hess.reshape(len(points), 3, 3)
hess += np.transpose(hess, axes=(0, 2, 1))
for index in range(len(points)):
hess[index][np.diag_indices(3)] /= 2.
return hess
def compute_esp(self, dm, points, coordinates, charges):
"""Return electrostatic potential evaluated on the a set of points.
dm : ndarray
First order reduced density matrix of B basis sets given as a 2D array of (B, B) shape.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
return self._basis.compute_grid_esp_dm(dm, coordinates, charges, points)
def compute_ked(self, dm, points):
"""Return positive definite kinetic energy density evaluated on the a set of points.
dm : ndarray
First order reduced density matrix of B basis sets given as a 2D array of (B, B) shape.
points : ndarray
Cartesian coordinates of N points given as a 2D-array with (N, 3) shape.
return self._basis.compute_grid_kinetic_dm(dm, points)