(dict_population, model='quadratic', coordinates=None, numbers=None)[source]¶ Condensed conceptual density functional theory (DFT) analysis of quantum chemistry output files.
Condensed conceptual DFT reactivity descriptors \(\{p_A\}_{A=1}^{N_A}\), partition the local descriptors between atoms in molecules, and integrate it to obtain condense property.
- Note: If only one molecule is provided, the frontier molecular orbital (FMO) approach is
- invoked, otherwise finite difference (FD) approach is taken. If FD approach is taken, the geometries and atomic numbers of all molecules can be different only for fragment of molecular response (approach=’RMF’).
Initialize class.
Parameters: - dict_population (dict) – Dictionary of number of electrons \(N\) (key) and corresponding atomic population array (value).
- model (str, optional) – Energy model used to calculate condensed reactivity descriptors. The available models include: “linear”, “quadratic”, and “general”. Please see “” for more information.
- coordinates (ndarray, optional) – Atomic coordinates of atomic centers.
- numbers (ndarray, optional) – Atomic number of atomic centers.
(fname, model, approach='FMR', scheme='h', **kwargs)[source]¶ Initialize class from calculation output file(s).
Parameters: - fname (str, sequence of str) – String specifying the path to a molecule’s file, or sequence of strings specifying path to molecule files.
- model (str) – Energy model used to calculate condensed reactivity descriptors. Available models are “linear” and “quadratic”.
- approach (str, optional) – Choose between “FMR” (fragment of molecular response) or “RMF” (response of molecular fragment).
- scheme (str, optional) – Partitioning scheme. Options: “h”, “hi”, “mbis”.
- kwargs (dict, optional) – Extra keyword arguments required for partitioning, like ‘grid’ and ‘proatomdb’.
(molecule, model, approach='FMR', scheme='h', **kwargs)[source]¶ Initialize class from Molecule object(s).
Parameters: - molecule (Molecule or Sequence of Molecule) – Instance of Molecule class, or sequence of Molecule class instances.
- model (str) – Energy model used to calculate condensed reactivity descriptors. Available models are “linear” and “quadratic”.
- approach (str, optional) – Choose between “FMR” (fragment of molecular response) or “RMF” (response of molecular fragment).
- scheme (str, optional) – Partitioning scheme. Options: “h”, “hi”, “mbis”.
- kwargs (dict, optional) – Extra keyword arguments required for partitioning, like ‘grid’ and ‘proatomdb’.
¶ Cartesian coordinates of atoms.
(fnames)¶ Return Molecule instances corresponding to fnames.
Parameters: fnames (str or Sequence of str) – Strings specifying the path to molecule’s file, or sequence of strings specifying path to molecule files.
¶ Energy model.
¶ Atomic numbers of atoms.